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Summer Camps for Middle School Students 2006
We ran 3 sessions of 1 week each with 20 students per session in the summer of 2006.
We took rising 7th and 8th graders.
We taught them Alice, Scratch,
LEGO Mindstorms 2.0 Robots, and Cricket Robots. They loved
the Crickets but we only had 5 sets. It was hard to cover 4 different things in 5 days. In the
future we will probably do one week of Scratch and Crickets and another of Alice and LEGO Mindstorms.
The teacher, Ms. Michelle Venable-Foster created powerpoint slides and sample Alice worlds from the camp
which are in this zip:AliceMaterials-MiddleSchoolCamp.zip. She also created material for Scratch which
are in this zip:Scratch-materials-MiddleSchoolCamp2006.zip.
See http://coweb.cc.gatech.edu/midice/ for student work and pictures.
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